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Sin Chew Classified MELACCA Section

星洲日报分类广告马六甲 Sin Chew Classified MELACCA Section 星洲日报报纸广告是企业生意人开拓市场的首要方法 Sin Chew Daily New Media Advertising, Digital Online Advertising

星洲日报分类广告马六甲Sin Chew Facebook Advertising Contact


* 马来西亚唯一横跨东、西马的报纸,是广告统战规划东、西马市场,最直接有效的宣传工具。

* 马来西亚唯一横跨东、西马的报纸,是广告统战规划东、西马市场,最直接有效的宣传工具。
* 马来西亚国内多个地方版州属(雪兰莪、吉隆坡、柔佛、霹雳、森美兰、马六甲及东海岸的登嘉楼、吉兰丹)发行量排名第一,所以打区域广宣战,最节省成本,回酬最高的广宣武器。
* 马来西亚读者人数最多,占中高层约70%,是最有购买力的读者群,商家可轻易开拓市场。

Advertisement in daily newspaper is one of the most efficient advertising tools in Malaysia. It is the best method for enterprise businessman to develop or to explore their products or services to the public.

As a Malaysia’s first mainstream daily newspapers, Sin Chew Daily ranks to be the first of its circulation (465894 per day) among other Chinese papers. With its circulation all over the country, Sinchew daily has its own local section in every state which allowed the most cost- effective and most targeted advertising promotion in the state.


星洲日报广告 & 光明日报广告
Sin Chew Advertisement & Guang Ming Advertisement


* 每天有超过150万的马来西亚人阅读,是商家刊登广告的底气。
* 唯一在马来西亚发行横跨东西马的报章,是星洲日报广告可以协助商家开拓东西马市场的主要工具
* 是东南亚发行量最高的华文报章,星洲日报》也是中国以外最大的华文日报。