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Sin Chew Online Advertisement Rate Card

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* 每天有超过150万的马来西亚人阅读,是商家刊登广告的底气。
* 唯一在马来西亚发行横跨东西马的报章,是星洲日报广告可以协助商家开拓东西马市场的主要工具
* 是东南亚发行量最高的华文报章,星洲日报》也是中国以外最大的华文日报。









Sin Chew Daily is the largest Chinese newspaper in Malaysia
*The circulation of Sin Chew Daily has now reached 350,000 copies (including Epaper), making it the preferred advertising partner of businesses.
* More than 1.5 million Malaysians reader it every day, which is the confidence of businesses to place advertisements.
* The only newspaper published in Malaysia that spans the East and West Malaysia. It is the main tool for the Sin Chew Daily advertisement to help businesses develop the East and West Malaysia market.
* It is the Chinese-language newspaper with the highest circulation in Southeast Asia, and Sin Chew Daily is also the largest Chinese-language daily newspaper outside of China.

Sin Chew Daily New Media Advertising, Digital Advertising, Internet Advertising, Online Advertising, focused on:

“Sin Chew Web”

“Sin Chew Facebook” page

“Sin Chew APP”

“WeChat “

“Sin Chew Epaper”

“PocketTime” mobile TV channel

Sin Chew Group promotes the comprehensive strategy of “print media + online media” integration. Sin Chew Daily’s advertising strategy is for all businesses

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星洲日报线上广告价格 Sin Chew Online Advertisement Rate Card 2021






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